The Luuup litter system is the best-selling pet product EVER on Kickstarter, and we designed it! Working side by side with the original inventor, we developed a brand new form for a 25-year-old product.
After selling almost two million units of the original version, the client knew they had a great product. The goal of the redesign was to make the best litter box, period. We improved functionality, the quality of materials and construction, and overall aesthetics. In a sea of uninspired and mundane design, we designed a litter box that is as pleasing for people to look at, as it is for cats to use.
Cat litter boxes are a necessary and important household item, but tend to be ugly and unpleasant to deal with. It was our mission with the redesign to improve the pet raising experience. Through every step of the design phase we studied and addressed consumer needs. Obsessing over every element and functional detail, we exercised great care and consideration with every aspect of the product development to ensure we had designed the very best litter box, ever. Kickstarter, and Indiegogo then proved us correct!
The Luuup litter system sold $3.3 million worth in it’s first month! Let us help you develop your next winning product.